Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Four NETS for Better Searching

This article introduced the helpful acronym NETS (Narrow, Evaluate, Trim, and Similar) when searching and researching on the Internet. I found this article helpful, because even though I felt like I had a lot of prior knowledge when it came to searching for information on the web, I had never used Googles Advance Search. One thing that I learned new from this article was the "Similar Pages" section. I was unaware of this search strategy. I always get frustrated when I can only find one article or one piece of the giant puzzle I am trying to put together. With utilizing this search device, Google will help me look for other sites that are similar to the one article I have already found. Yes there is a catch...in order to use this section of the searching technique, one must first find that one article to link off from. I look forward to using the skills I have learned from this article and hope I can tweak them enough into kid friendly terms so that my students are able to use similar strategies when they are conducting research for various assignments.

1 comment:

pam said...

Awesome way of thinking about how you can use this technique with your students.